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This is very ordinary matter. Don"t give priority to this matter. please dont enter into his personal matter. We have more work in the world. petrol diesel price hike. All vegatable rates also high. So, please concentrate in your life first and our country. This is all silly matter. we want to work we have to became world No.1.
swamis moulvis fathers all commit sin they were hidden now with mobile phone cameras they will be exposed so dont belive in any religions just enjoy life
each individual has their own living style,we r here to speak,listen & see what is valuable to us & then rest of the things r just crap.people say that we r good but ever have we tried to see us through a mirror.someone said we have a lot thing to do & we r just waisying our time by draging someone unnecessarily,if we realy want to show someone the ground reality then step against "KASAB" the culprit of bharat mata.
yarum nallavan ellai enbathurku
ReplyDeleteethu oru eduthukattu superro super...
ReplyDeleteThis is very ordinary matter. Don"t give priority to this matter. please dont enter into his personal matter. We have more work in the world. petrol diesel price hike. All vegatable rates also high. So, please concentrate in your life first and our country. This is all silly matter. we want to work we have to became world No.1.
ReplyDeleteall man should live this sex only this is nothing so beleive that shit swamis ok
ReplyDeleteswamis moulvis fathers all commit sin they were hidden now with mobile phone cameras they will be exposed so dont belive in any religions just enjoy life
ReplyDeleteeach individual has their own living style,we r here to speak,listen & see what is valuable to us & then rest of the things r just crap.people say that we r good but ever have we tried to see us through a mirror.someone said we have a lot thing to do & we r just waisying our time by draging someone unnecessarily,if we realy want to show someone the ground reality then step against "KASAB" the culprit of bharat mata.